BR1-09 Stories of Knights
I read Stories of Knights. It was a book of short stories. I chose it because I thought the picture of the book cover was good. In the book cover, knight having a sword and riding horse. The key stories were about knights of king Arthur. I did not know that. Those stories are about Sir Gawain and Sir Gareth. The story of Sir Gareth was fun. First, Sir Gareth was a poor young boy. He visited King Arthur and left to stay in King Arthur's palace for a year. King Arthur liked him and allowed staying the young boy in the palace. Sir Kay took care of the boy. Finlay the boy became a knight, and gave name as Sir Gareth. He beaten Red kinght, and rescued princess from Red knight's castle.[135words-total 5874 words]
BR1-08 Tresure Island
I read traesure Island. It was a kind of adventure. Before read, I thought this story must be such as movie Pirates of the Caribbean, because in book cover there are some pirates. They looks well natured men, but it was wrong. It story was not like Pirates of the Caribbean. Pirates are bad men till the end.
I like a movie series Pirates of the Caribbean. It story is very funny and exciting. Hero pirates are nice guy. But it story is impossible. Pirates exists at this time. They are very dangerous. I hear rarely Japanese fishing crew hold by pirates. It news is very terrible.[107words-total 5739words]
I like a movie series Pirates of the Caribbean. It story is very funny and exciting. Hero pirates are nice guy. But it story is impossible. Pirates exists at this time. They are very dangerous. I hear rarely Japanese fishing crew hold by pirates. It news is very terrible.[107words-total 5739words]
BR1-07 Ali Baba and the Forty thieves
I read Ali Baba and the Forty thieves. I chose it because I knew almost of the story, but I did not all of it. It story is that. Long time ago in Persia, there lived a man named Ali Baba. His brother Kasim was a rich, but Ali Baba was a poor. One day, Ali Baba saw thieves gathering to a cliff. Leader of thieves cried "Open sesame!" and a hole appeared. They hid their treasures in the hole. After they gone, Ali Baba go to cliff and cried "Open sesame!". Hole opened. Ali Baba into it and lifted gold. The brother of Ali Baba, Kasim ask to Ali Baba why and where did you get it? Ali Baba could not lie his brother, so he told because of it. Kasim went to a cliff and cried "Open sesame!". He entered hole and shut off the gate. He excited a lot of treasures, but he lost spell to open hole. And he killed by thieves. Ali Baba went and picked up his corpse to the hole. Thieves found someone entered hole and picked up corpse of Kasim. Thieves seek Ali Baba's life, but they could not. Finally Gamal, the leader of thieves also killed by servant of Ali Baba.
This book is very famous in Japanese. The magic spell to open is "Hirake goma" in Japan. "Hirake" means open. "Goma" means sesame. Its meaning is same. It is interesting.[241words-total 5632words]
This book is very famous in Japanese. The magic spell to open is "Hirake goma" in Japan. "Hirake" means open. "Goma" means sesame. Its meaning is same. It is interesting.[241words-total 5632words]
BR1-06 The Frog Prince
I read The Frog Prince. I chose it because it semms plain for reading and book ilustlation is funny. I think this kind of fairy tale is very famous. I could guess end of the story but I enjoyed reading. Firstly the princess appears. The pricess name is Poppy. There are many princesses in palace, Poppy is the youngest. She hated to be the youngest. I felt she is very selfish girl. She wanted to be an adults soon, and get marry with nice prince. However she had a fiance named prince Humperdink. If she glown adult, she must get marry him. She dislike prince Humperdrink. Poppy meets a frog, and finaly Poppy kiss the frog. The frog unbounded from a witch's curse. He became a nice look prince.
I could guess the last, but it was interesting so so.[141words-total 5391words]
I could guess the last, but it was interesting so so.[141words-total 5391words]
I read ANIMALS IN DANGER. I chose it because I like animals and I attracted the book cover. As the book title, The is about animals in danger, domesticated animals and disappeared animals. This book was easy for reading. However it was very interesting and impressing.
I want to ask some people who says with loudly voice "We must protect animals because they are pretty". How many animals disappeared and endangered do you know? How many species disappears do you know? Have you ever read Red data book? Why do you think about it?What do you eat? What do you putting and wearing on?
I think naturally disappearing is system of the earth. The problem is our behavior is helping disappear of animals. Sometime I think, Is mankind can live with wild things? At this time, I do not think so. If we live with wilds, we must back to primitive life I think. We must break with economic system. However we can not do so. We can not stop evolution and development. If we really want to help them, almost of us must be lost in the earth. I think that is the best way. The earth is not belonging everything. Everyone belonging the earth I think.[209words-total 5250words]
I want to ask some people who says with loudly voice "We must protect animals because they are pretty". How many animals disappeared and endangered do you know? How many species disappears do you know? Have you ever read Red data book? Why do you think about it?What do you eat? What do you putting and wearing on?
I think naturally disappearing is system of the earth. The problem is our behavior is helping disappear of animals. Sometime I think, Is mankind can live with wild things? At this time, I do not think so. If we live with wilds, we must back to primitive life I think. We must break with economic system. However we can not do so. We can not stop evolution and development. If we really want to help them, almost of us must be lost in the earth. I think that is the best way. The earth is not belonging everything. Everyone belonging the earth I think.[209words-total 5250words]
My favorite blog post
Cat in the box of beer
I think this blog post is the best.This video shows cat in the box of beer, and the owner treat it.
I think funny and fancy. Please watch it! [36words-total 5050 words]
Essay 1-03 My University life
I am in KGU. I am a sophomore. I am enjoying my university life. I have some friend I do not want to have lot of friends because I like to be alone, and if I have lot of friend I can not care all of them. I am not belong to any clubs. First, I wanted to belong to Jazz club, but I heard people who belong the club, must play any instrumental. I have not experience of playing music. I am a listener, so I did not belong it. I have a part time job. It is salesclerk of Internet cafe. I usually work from 7 PM to 10 or 11 PM. It is hard job. Its paying is little nice for Kumamoto. I like working, but recently I am stacked my job. I cannot do my homework. I think I will quit my job in Autumn. I must apply myself to study.
I attend to my university from my house by bike. It took me 25 to 30 minutes. I am tiring to attend to school by bike. I want to get driver's licence.
I have stack classes to get credit in this year. My some classes are interesting, but others are not. First, I like "cultural anthropology" class the best. That class teacher is Mrs. Hagihara. She teaches us about religion, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddha. I like to study about religion and folklore, we studied about witch hunting in 18 century.
Second is ''international society and Japan". Its teacher is Mr.Osawa. He is a new face teacher in KGU. He teaches about international things, recently we learning about EU and EC. Mr. Osawa is majoring about Chinese, so he is sussed about it. He is very funny teacher I think, and he is adapt to teaching. His giving class is very easy to understand.
I am majoring English. I have English class almost everyday. I like to study English, but sometime it is hard for me. I cannot catch English what teachers talking it is a big problem. I do not have vocabulary, it is pressure for me. I must make an effort!![360 words-total 5014 words]
I attend to my university from my house by bike. It took me 25 to 30 minutes. I am tiring to attend to school by bike. I want to get driver's licence.
I have stack classes to get credit in this year. My some classes are interesting, but others are not. First, I like "cultural anthropology" class the best. That class teacher is Mrs. Hagihara. She teaches us about religion, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddha. I like to study about religion and folklore, we studied about witch hunting in 18 century.
Second is ''international society and Japan". Its teacher is Mr.Osawa. He is a new face teacher in KGU. He teaches about international things, recently we learning about EU and EC. Mr. Osawa is majoring about Chinese, so he is sussed about it. He is very funny teacher I think, and he is adapt to teaching. His giving class is very easy to understand.
I am majoring English. I have English class almost everyday. I like to study English, but sometime it is hard for me. I cannot catch English what teachers talking it is a big problem. I do not have vocabulary, it is pressure for me. I must make an effort!![360 words-total 5014 words]
I read KING ARTHUR. It is because I chose it that this book is very famous, but I have never read it. The hero is the king Arthur. When Arthur was baby, he was farmed out to Malin. He is wise and knows about magic. He bring up Arthur, and teach magic. Marlin bilieved Arthur must be a king. One day Arthur pulled out the sword from the stone witch is written "Only the king can take the aword from the stone". That sword is not Excalibur. He gets Excalibur. He became king.There are any incidents. Finaly, he dies. Excalibur is returned to lake. This book was little hard to read. The story was interestiong so so. I knew Excalibur, when Excalibur's appearance was interest to me.[129words-total 4654 words]
Week13 typing essay
Topic: Summer vacation plan
I do not decide summer vacation plan. I will go to America from July 22 to August 23 as a home stay program, and back to Japan from America, first I should to test. I think I have not any time to play in this summer, because I will back in August. I think I am going to do my part time job. I want money. I think retiring my job Autumn because I cannot do study and working. I must study hard. I think I will try to TOEIC test. I want to get high score, I must study hard.[101words-total 4525 words]
I do not decide summer vacation plan. I will go to America from July 22 to August 23 as a home stay program, and back to Japan from America, first I should to test. I think I have not any time to play in this summer, because I will back in August. I think I am going to do my part time job. I want money. I think retiring my job Autumn because I cannot do study and working. I must study hard. I think I will try to TOEIC test. I want to get high score, I must study hard.[101words-total 4525 words]
Week12 typing essay
Topic: What I think about blogging
I entered KGU, I started to write blog in speaking class in last year. It was the first time for me blogging. At the first, it was only hard to me. I did not know what should I write and I could not write long sentences. I felt want to write a blog in Japanese very much. Involved sophomore, writing blog became mainly in writing class. Sometime I am confused what I write to, but I can write smoother than when I was a freshman. Recently I enjoy it. [90words-total 4424words]
I entered KGU, I started to write blog in speaking class in last year. It was the first time for me blogging. At the first, it was only hard to me. I did not know what should I write and I could not write long sentences. I felt want to write a blog in Japanese very much. Involved sophomore, writing blog became mainly in writing class. Sometime I am confused what I write to, but I can write smoother than when I was a freshman. Recently I enjoy it. [90words-total 4424words]
Week11 typing essay
Topic: All about my Keitai
My Keitai is blue one in Docomo, its type number is SH903i. It is old one at distance in time. I bought by my father when after I graduated high school. My high school was prohibited bringing cell phone to school, Any people are found who taking cell phone to school, and teacher usually smacks them. When I was junior high and high school student, I do not want to have cell phone because I thought it is enough to call my friends by my house's phone . My cell phone cost is about 7,000 yen on every month. I pay it own money. It is hard to me.[110 words-total 4334 words]
My Keitai is blue one in Docomo, its type number is SH903i. It is old one at distance in time. I bought by my father when after I graduated high school. My high school was prohibited bringing cell phone to school, Any people are found who taking cell phone to school, and teacher usually smacks them. When I was junior high and high school student, I do not want to have cell phone because I thought it is enough to call my friends by my house's phone . My cell phone cost is about 7,000 yen on every month. I pay it own money. It is hard to me.[110 words-total 4334 words]
Week10 typing essay
Topic: Using computer, good points and bad points
I use computer usually. I can get lot of information from lot of website. It is very useful and very easy. There are too many information on internet, but there are many wrong information included in it too. It makes me and you very confusing. We watch TV, read newspaper and surf internet daily. I can say We are controlled by math media. I think We must care of it, and we must have eyes can take true it and catch out wrong it. I must study and catch more information to do so.[ 94words-total 4224 words]
I use computer usually. I can get lot of information from lot of website. It is very useful and very easy. There are too many information on internet, but there are many wrong information included in it too. It makes me and you very confusing. We watch TV, read newspaper and surf internet daily. I can say We are controlled by math media. I think We must care of it, and we must have eyes can take true it and catch out wrong it. I must study and catch more information to do so.[ 94words-total 4224 words]
Week9 typing essay10
Topic: MYfavorite movie or movies
My favorite movies are directed by Takeshi Kitano. Do you know him? I like Takeshi Kitano as a comedian and a movie director. Most of his movies have violence essence. But his movie is not only violence, but also sad. I like Hana-bi the best of his movie. Its story is very sad. It makes me think about love. Kitano's movies are very silent. It makes good air. I heard his new movie coming soon. Next one seems like good to me. I want see it very much.[90 words-total 4130words]
My favorite movies are directed by Takeshi Kitano. Do you know him? I like Takeshi Kitano as a comedian and a movie director. Most of his movies have violence essence. But his movie is not only violence, but also sad. I like Hana-bi the best of his movie. Its story is very sad. It makes me think about love. Kitano's movies are very silent. It makes good air. I heard his new movie coming soon. Next one seems like good to me. I want see it very much.[90 words-total 4130words]
Week8 typing essay
Topic: Foreign countries
I have never been to any other countries, but I will go to America in this summer as home stay. I am very worry about it, but I think it is good chance for speak English. you know I have never been to foreign country, but I have some countries where I want to visit. The first is Bari. I heard Bari's sea is very beautiful as tear my high school teacher. I want to see it very much. The second is Sweden. Any of My favorite musicians are Swedish. So I want to go to there once. The third is Italy. I want to try eating Italian.[101words-total 4040words]
I have never been to any other countries, but I will go to America in this summer as home stay. I am very worry about it, but I think it is good chance for speak English. you know I have never been to foreign country, but I have some countries where I want to visit. The first is Bari. I heard Bari's sea is very beautiful as tear my high school teacher. I want to see it very much. The second is Sweden. Any of My favorite musicians are Swedish. So I want to go to there once. The third is Italy. I want to try eating Italian.[101words-total 4040words]
Week7 typing essay
Topic:My other classes
I have any kind of classes. Any of it is interesting, but some of it is dull. My most favorite subject is cultural anthropology. That teacher is Ms Hagihara. She teaches us about religion. Studying religion is very interesting for me. General consideration of Christianity that I have got last year, was very interested for me. I want to know lot of about religion. I like to think about religion. I like to see statue of Buddha and temple.I want to study more about Christianity and Buddha.[88words- total 3939words]
I have any kind of classes. Any of it is interesting, but some of it is dull. My most favorite subject is cultural anthropology. That teacher is Ms Hagihara. She teaches us about religion. Studying religion is very interesting for me. General consideration of Christianity that I have got last year, was very interested for me. I want to know lot of about religion. I like to think about religion. I like to see statue of Buddha and temple.I want to study more about Christianity and Buddha.[88words- total 3939words]
I read JUNGLE BOOK. I know this title of book. This is very famous book I think, but I have never read it. So I try to read.
The star of this book is Mowgli. He is a little boy. When he was child, His family(father, mother and him) attacked by a big tiger named Shere Khan. Mowgli's father and mother escaped, but he was left. Wolves found him and named him Mowgli the frog. He brought up by wolves. His facilitators are Baloo and Bagheera. Baloon is a sleepy blown bear. His job is teaching the low of jungle. Bagheera is a panther. He is black panther as night, clever and strong.
Mowgli studies low of jungle and language of any animals.
One day, Mowgli attempt to back human society. He goes to village nearby jungle. He could get human language. It was easy for him. He knows Shere Khan want to kill Mowgli, so Mowgli planned to kill Shere Khan during He is sleeping. Mowgli egg on the buffaloes narrow ravine. Finally, Mowgli kill him. Shere Khan was enemy for villager, but Mowgli is turned away from villege. Finally, Mowgli live with wolves again. I can not understand why village people turn away him, but story was interesting.[212words-total 3851words]
The star of this book is Mowgli. He is a little boy. When he was child, His family(father, mother and him) attacked by a big tiger named Shere Khan. Mowgli's father and mother escaped, but he was left. Wolves found him and named him Mowgli the frog. He brought up by wolves. His facilitators are Baloo and Bagheera. Baloon is a sleepy blown bear. His job is teaching the low of jungle. Bagheera is a panther. He is black panther as night, clever and strong.
Mowgli studies low of jungle and language of any animals.
One day, Mowgli attempt to back human society. He goes to village nearby jungle. He could get human language. It was easy for him. He knows Shere Khan want to kill Mowgli, so Mowgli planned to kill Shere Khan during He is sleeping. Mowgli egg on the buffaloes narrow ravine. Finally, Mowgli kill him. Shere Khan was enemy for villager, but Mowgli is turned away from villege. Finally, Mowgli live with wolves again. I can not understand why village people turn away him, but story was interesting.[212words-total 3851words]
Essay1-02 Review of Shrek.
I watched movie Shrek. First, I explain main characters. The most important character is Shrek. He is star of the movie. He is a green ogre. He lives a house in a forest. People who live near forest want to beat him, but no one can do so. Shrek disperse them every time. He is Strong and ugly ogre so he have not any friends. He is always lonely.He knows He is called ugly ogre but truth he is very sencitive. He feel sad that he is called ugly ogre.
The second important character is donkey. He can speak human speech. He have not name. Shrek help donkey from people who catching him. He is thanksful to Shrek. It is first time for Shrek be thanked from other. Donkey get attached to Shrek, he want to become friendly with Shrek. First, he avoided Donkey but finally he makes friend with Donkey more and more.
The third important charactor is Princess Fiona. She is a heroin of this movie. She is held in a castle. The castle is in top of high mountain, and protected by big and terrible dragon. She seems like a feeble princes, but she is not it. She can fight. She masterd Kang foo.
The fourth important is Sir Farquaad. He is a baddie in this movie. He is a selfish man. He is searching woman as his wife, so he got mirror witch can reflect everything. He took a fancy of princess Fiona. He let Shrek lescue her from the castle.
I thinke theme of this movie is friendship, blave, true love and more.
Throughing any incidents, Shrek knows the friend ship and love? Fiona also knows true love. First, Fiona was surprised and obssembed. The man was ogre who helped her, but toutch his pure heart she became loving him.[308words-total 3639words]
I watched movie Shrek. First, I explain main characters. The most important character is Shrek. He is star of the movie. He is a green ogre. He lives a house in a forest. People who live near forest want to beat him, but no one can do so. Shrek disperse them every time. He is Strong and ugly ogre so he have not any friends. He is always lonely.He knows He is called ugly ogre but truth he is very sencitive. He feel sad that he is called ugly ogre.
The second important character is donkey. He can speak human speech. He have not name. Shrek help donkey from people who catching him. He is thanksful to Shrek. It is first time for Shrek be thanked from other. Donkey get attached to Shrek, he want to become friendly with Shrek. First, he avoided Donkey but finally he makes friend with Donkey more and more.
The third important charactor is Princess Fiona. She is a heroin of this movie. She is held in a castle. The castle is in top of high mountain, and protected by big and terrible dragon. She seems like a feeble princes, but she is not it. She can fight. She masterd Kang foo.
The fourth important is Sir Farquaad. He is a baddie in this movie. He is a selfish man. He is searching woman as his wife, so he got mirror witch can reflect everything. He took a fancy of princess Fiona. He let Shrek lescue her from the castle.
I thinke theme of this movie is friendship, blave, true love and more.
Throughing any incidents, Shrek knows the friend ship and love? Fiona also knows true love. First, Fiona was surprised and obssembed. The man was ogre who helped her, but toutch his pure heart she became loving him.[308words-total 3639words]
Essay1-05 My Language Learning History
My native language
I am a Japanese, so my native language is Japanese. I have been studied Japanese since I was born. I entered elementary school when I was 6 years old, I started to study actual Japanese. The early school year of elementary, we read Japanese text book, and write "Japanese Hiragana","Japanese Katakana" and "Japanese Kanji". The texy book of early year of elementary was written in plain Japanese Hiragana and Kanji. We got skills at using, reading and writing Japanese through that. I think the purpose of that is to get used to Japanese more. Growing up senior grade of elementary school, Kanji in Japanese text book become more difficult. I think learning Japanese in elementary school is very important. That is the basic, without basic of Japanese, we can not read and understand examination sentence.
My second language
Elementary school
I have been studied English about 9 years. My first time of learning English was elementary school. I was 6th grade. I attend to teacher's house near my house. She was a Japanese. I attend to learn English with my younger sister once a week. I was urged by my mother at the first, but I thought it was good chance to start learning English. I learned about plane and basic words such as cat, house and more. It was a interesting and funny time.
Junior high school
I entered junior high school. We started study English as a regular class. We studied pronouncing alphabet and grammar of English. My English teacher was a eager teacher, so we learned how to pronounce English by him. I think it is important that practicing pronounce alphabet. A word is assemble of alphabets. I think I can not pronounce any word without pronouncing education.
Learning English in junior high school, we had ALT. ALT stands for Assistant Language Teacher. They are native of English. Some time they joined our classes and introduced him/herself. It was very good experience because I have no chances to meet people from other countries.
High school
High school English was quite different from of that in junior high school. We studied grammar, read long article a solved any problems. The level of problem became more and more high. We did not pronounced word and read English text. For high school English teacher, English was a subject only for university entrance examination. I thought high school English was a kind of duty. It was very dull for me.
I attend to KGU. I am majoring English. My department specialized English speaking, writing and listening. We speak only English in speaking class, we listen and catch English in listening class and write a blog only English. Most of English teachers are people from foreign counties, so sometime I can not catch what they speaks. I must make effort.[475 words-total 3331words]
I am a Japanese, so my native language is Japanese. I have been studied Japanese since I was born. I entered elementary school when I was 6 years old, I started to study actual Japanese. The early school year of elementary, we read Japanese text book, and write "Japanese Hiragana","Japanese Katakana" and "Japanese Kanji". The texy book of early year of elementary was written in plain Japanese Hiragana and Kanji. We got skills at using, reading and writing Japanese through that. I think the purpose of that is to get used to Japanese more. Growing up senior grade of elementary school, Kanji in Japanese text book become more difficult. I think learning Japanese in elementary school is very important. That is the basic, without basic of Japanese, we can not read and understand examination sentence.
My second language
Elementary school
I have been studied English about 9 years. My first time of learning English was elementary school. I was 6th grade. I attend to teacher's house near my house. She was a Japanese. I attend to learn English with my younger sister once a week. I was urged by my mother at the first, but I thought it was good chance to start learning English. I learned about plane and basic words such as cat, house and more. It was a interesting and funny time.
Junior high school
I entered junior high school. We started study English as a regular class. We studied pronouncing alphabet and grammar of English. My English teacher was a eager teacher, so we learned how to pronounce English by him. I think it is important that practicing pronounce alphabet. A word is assemble of alphabets. I think I can not pronounce any word without pronouncing education.
Learning English in junior high school, we had ALT. ALT stands for Assistant Language Teacher. They are native of English. Some time they joined our classes and introduced him/herself. It was very good experience because I have no chances to meet people from other countries.
High school
High school English was quite different from of that in junior high school. We studied grammar, read long article a solved any problems. The level of problem became more and more high. We did not pronounced word and read English text. For high school English teacher, English was a subject only for university entrance examination. I thought high school English was a kind of duty. It was very dull for me.
I attend to KGU. I am majoring English. My department specialized English speaking, writing and listening. We speak only English in speaking class, we listen and catch English in listening class and write a blog only English. Most of English teachers are people from foreign counties, so sometime I can not catch what they speaks. I must make effort.[475 words-total 3331words]
BR 1-02 Dracula

I read Dracula. The main characters are Jonathan Harker, Mina, Lucy, Arther, Van Helsing and Count Dracula. Jonathan is a house seller. He goes to the house of Dracula in Transylvania as work. Count Dracula wanted to buy a house in England. Jonathan did not want to go there, but he was forced his boss because Count Dracula is a rich. Jonathan stay Dracula's house. One day, Jonathan was shaving, Count stood behind him. Jonathan stood in front of a mirror, but Count did not reflex. Jonathan knew his seclet, Count was a Vampire. Count makes an attempt on Jonathan's life, unfotunatlly, Jonathan told Count about his wife Mina, so she is attempted own life too.
Jonathan barely escaped with his life and go back England. In England, Lucy, Mina's friend was attacked and drooped her blood by Count. She got ill. Van Helsing, a doctor made effort to cure Lucy, but some days after, she died. Arther, Lucy's fiance moaned very much. Some days later, there were strange stories in the newspapers, stories about young children who went out at night and did not go home until the next morning. And when they go home, they talked about a 'beautiful lady'. These children had drops of blood and two little wounds on their neck.
That 'beautiful lady' was Lucy. Lucy was died, but she became undead because of dropped of blood by Count. Arther, her fiance held the piece of wood over Lucy's heart, and brought the hammer down hard.
Jonathan, Arther and Van Helsing decided to kill Count. They went to Count's house in Transylvania. Count can not move in a daylight, so they went to there in day. But too late, when they go Count's house it was already night. They thougt Mina is danger. They back to England, but it is too late. She attacked and dropped of blood by Count. She got ill soon. They feel pressed. They run Count and finally kill Count. Lucy healed.
I think this book was interesting and terrible. At last, Jonathan killed Count and Lucy healed, but Lucy was dead forever. I think pitiful Arther is. [365 words-total 2856words]
Essay1-04 My favorite things!!
I would like to introduce my favorite things.
I like music very much. I like any kind of music. I would like to introduce my favorite musicians.

The first is Esbjörn Svensson trio. It called e.s.t. that is a Swedish jazz trio band. It is the hottest to me now. I heard their music first, when I was high school student.The e.s.t members are Esbjörn Svensson (he is middle of the picture), He plays the piano. Magnus Öström(he is right of the picture), he plays drums. Dan Berglund(He is left of the picture) He plays woodbase. They see itself as a popband that plays jazz. Their play makes me sometime exciting and some time relaxing. I have two CD albums of e.s.t. "Vaiticum" and "Tuesday wonder land". "Eighty-Eight Days in My Veins" in Viaticum is my favorite.(↑The movie is not Eighty-Eight Days in My Veins. It is Dodge The Dodo.) Those two are the latest CD of e.s.t. I want more CDs of them.

The next is Suga Shikao. He is a Japanese singer. I like his lyrics and his husky voice. Most of Japanese musician sing such as love songs, broken heart songs and cheer up songs but it is so dull. But he write and sing jealous songs too. This is because I like him. His name "Shikao" is real name. I think "Shikao" is very rare name. "Shikao" written in Japanese Kanji "止戈男". 止 is pronounced "shi", it means stop. 戈 is pronounced "ka", it means weapons. 男 is pronounced "o" it means a man. I believe that he is the man who can stop the war by music. Ha-ha :)
Anyway, I would like to introduce next my favorite thing is...UMA!!
Do you know UMA? I guess you know UFO. It means Unidentified Fling Object. UMA means "Unidentified Mysterious Animal". I guess the most famous UMA is "Loch Ness Monster". It usually called "Nessie". Do you know?

(↑)My best favorite UMA is this one!! Do you know this piture? This is called "winged cat". Winged cat is a cat which have a wings. I like cat very much. This is a cat and still more having wings!! This is very fantastic isn't it?
I like unidentified things very much, for example UFO,USO and UMA. But I do not believe really they exist. The reaseon I like UMA, imagining these is makes me funny and exciting.[407words-total 2491words]
I like music very much. I like any kind of music. I would like to introduce my favorite musicians.

The first is Esbjörn Svensson trio. It called e.s.t. that is a Swedish jazz trio band. It is the hottest to me now. I heard their music first, when I was high school student.The e.s.t members are Esbjörn Svensson (he is middle of the picture), He plays the piano. Magnus Öström(he is right of the picture), he plays drums. Dan Berglund(He is left of the picture) He plays woodbase. They see itself as a popband that plays jazz. Their play makes me sometime exciting and some time relaxing. I have two CD albums of e.s.t. "Vaiticum" and "Tuesday wonder land". "Eighty-Eight Days in My Veins" in Viaticum is my favorite.(↑The movie is not Eighty-Eight Days in My Veins. It is Dodge The Dodo.) Those two are the latest CD of e.s.t. I want more CDs of them.

The next is Suga Shikao. He is a Japanese singer. I like his lyrics and his husky voice. Most of Japanese musician sing such as love songs, broken heart songs and cheer up songs but it is so dull. But he write and sing jealous songs too. This is because I like him. His name "Shikao" is real name. I think "Shikao" is very rare name. "Shikao" written in Japanese Kanji "止戈男". 止 is pronounced "shi", it means stop. 戈 is pronounced "ka", it means weapons. 男 is pronounced "o" it means a man. I believe that he is the man who can stop the war by music. Ha-ha :)
Anyway, I would like to introduce next my favorite thing is...UMA!!
Do you know UMA? I guess you know UFO. It means Unidentified Fling Object. UMA means "Unidentified Mysterious Animal". I guess the most famous UMA is "Loch Ness Monster". It usually called "Nessie". Do you know?

(↑)My best favorite UMA is this one!! Do you know this piture? This is called "winged cat". Winged cat is a cat which have a wings. I like cat very much. This is a cat and still more having wings!! This is very fantastic isn't it?
I like unidentified things very much, for example UFO,USO and UMA. But I do not believe really they exist. The reaseon I like UMA, imagining these is makes me funny and exciting.[407words-total 2491words]
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