Where is your favorite place? Do you have it? I have three favorite places. My favorite places are namikizaka, Hanazono library and Yakushima island. I will introduce about those places. I like quiet place and water very much.
I would like to introduce Namikizaka avenue. Namikizaka avenue is a part of downtown in Kumamoto city. It is close to my house. The road of it is made of bricks. It looks kind of old and beautiful. Kumamoto city's down town has some main avenues. The typical streets are Kamitori avenue and Shimotori avenue. I like Kamitori so so, but I do not like Shimotori, because it is kind of dirty. On the other hand, Namikizaka avenue is so calm and quiet but the road is narrow so Namikizaka does not have big mall and stores, but It makes me so relax. I would like to walk around there much more.
Hanazono library
I go to Hanazono library sometime. It is in second floor of Hanazono community center. I have been to there since when I was elementary school. I often went to there, but I do not go there very much because I have no much time to read books. Hanazono library is not large as Kumamoto city library, but it is close to my house. I like to reading a book very much. Most of books what I read are lent at Hanazono library. If you could not find books what you would like to read, you can order order the books from Kumamto prefectural library. You can lend 5 books per one person.
Yakushima island
My distaff side grand parents and my mother's brother and many relatives live in Yakushima, they are so kind and interesting. so I often went there in summer by ferry, but I do not go there more 5 years because of conflicting of summer plan. My mother is little busy in summer, my older sister lives in Osaka, my younger sister is busy for school.Yakushima island is a island of Kagoshima prefecture in Japan. I like it very much, because it has many nature and many water places. I like water very much.It has the ocean, river and water fall. We can swim and do fishing, when we went to Yakushima island, we swim the ocean and liver everyday. The ocean is very close to my grand parents house. View of the ocean is so lovely. Especially I like night view. Yakushima's sky is so clear. You can see many shooting stars. If you are lucky, you can see egg laying or hatching of sea turtles on midnight. Yakushima has many kind of species. You can see beautiful nature, animals such as monky and deer. [458w-1186w]
Brain storming
clothing stores
food stores
book store
record shop
convenence stores
narrow streets
bike parkings
crisp air
clothing stores
food stores
book store
record shop
convenence stores
narrow streets
bike parkings
crisp air
My favorite place
I like Namikizaka avenue. Namikizaka avenue is a part of downtown in Kumamoto city. The street is made of bricks. It is close to my house. Kumamoto city's down town has some main avenues. The typical streets are Kamitori avenue and Shimotori avenue. I like Kamitori so so, but I do not like Shimotori, because Shimotori is kind of dirty. On the other hand, Namikizaka avenue is so calm and quiet. It is so narrow, but It makes me so relax.[82w-728w]
Favorite fall activity
Fall is my most favorite season.
My favorite fall activities are reading books and biking and eating. I like books, especially i like novels and also I like to read Japanese comic book.
I like to biking. Fall is not so hot and not so cold, so it is very good for me to go outside.
I like to eat. Fall is the season for good food! I also like to see fallen leaves and autumn leaves.[569w-646w]
My favorite fall activities are reading books and biking and eating. I like books, especially i like novels and also I like to read Japanese comic book.
I like to biking. Fall is not so hot and not so cold, so it is very good for me to go outside.
I like to eat. Fall is the season for good food! I also like to see fallen leaves and autumn leaves.[569w-646w]
Web site RE:view

I will introduce this site "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species" http://www.iucnredlist.org/.
I chose this site bucase I like animals, plants and any kind of species, and I think dissappearing and threatening of species is very big issue for all life and the earth, so I would people think seriously this problem.
I will introduce this site "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species" http://www.iucnredlist.org/.
I chose this site bucase I like animals, plants and any kind of species, and I think dissappearing and threatening of species is very big issue for all life and the earth, so I would people think seriously this problem.
About IUCN
IUCN is a organization which do campaign and activity for protect threatened species and nature. IUCN is stands for International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. IUCN is established in 1945.
Sections of IUCN
IUCN is consisted by 111 government agencies, 874 nongovernmental agencies and 35 agencies. Japan is also member of IUCN. IUCN has 6 commissions of exparts. The biggest one is SSC (Species Survival Commission), WCPA (World Commission on Protected Areas), CEM (Commission on Ecosystem Management), CEC (Commission on Education and Communication), CEESP (Commission on Environmental, Economic & Social Policy) and CEL (Commission on Environmental Law).
The front office of IUCN is in Switzerland. They do action for keeping threaten animals, plants and nature by direct, indirect or making lows.
IUCN is a organization which do campaign and activity for protect threatened species and nature. IUCN is stands for International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. IUCN is established in 1945.
Sections of IUCN
IUCN is consisted by 111 government agencies, 874 nongovernmental agencies and 35 agencies. Japan is also member of IUCN. IUCN has 6 commissions of exparts. The biggest one is SSC (Species Survival Commission), WCPA (World Commission on Protected Areas), CEM (Commission on Ecosystem Management), CEC (Commission on Education and Communication), CEESP (Commission on Environmental, Economic & Social Policy) and CEL (Commission on Environmental Law).
The front office of IUCN is in Switzerland. They do action for keeping threaten animals, plants and nature by direct, indirect or making lows.

About website
IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesYou can see vivid red and bloody back ground and some pictures of animals on the top page of this site at the first.
You can see some links on this site. You can search animals in "Search" section.
If you link to "Help Save Species", you can donate online. You can credit card for donate.
You can see introduction of IUCN and its some sections at "introduction" section, and you can see many partners of red list and many organizations cooperating with IUCN; at "Partners and Credit" section. You can see lists of Red data books at "Categories and Criteria". You can see a lot of pictures of threatened animals, plants and seaweed were listed in IUCN Red list in 2006 and 2008.
We would see the pictures, those animals which are listed, they have rare or ugly figure, beautiful or vivid color, rare pattern and good quality horn or antler. The because of their extinction are so many. The most reason of aquatic life's extinction is comes from over fishing or water pollution.
I know Red data book and I think this is very good site, but this is not common I think. In this time the problem of environment is very big issue and we much interested in the problem. The disappearing animals and plants is just warning. I think this is turning point. We should recognize much more that we are choking necks of ourselves.[428w - 569w]
Book review 2-01 Elephant Man

I read Elephant man, because its book cover is so strange. In the book cover, a man is standing and wear sack on his head, it looks kind of creepy.
The story was interesting. This story is real story. I could not believe that at first, so I searched about Joseph Merrick. I found some photos of Joseph Merrick. Those look so... so poor. In our time, I can feel that is poor because I know many kind of sick are existing in the world. However, if I was living in 19 century, probably I think he is a monster.
I searched Elephant man on You tube, I could found movie trailer of Elephant man, and also found many poor movies, what about people who has anomaly of face or body cause of accident or inborn. Those were very, very poor.[141w]
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