This is John.
After long flight, we arrived Northwest air port. I met my host man. My host was John F. My host is one person. He was a single. He was a tall man. I introduced myself and shake his hand. We took train to Mall of America because he parked his car at the mall. Train station was so big. It was seemed like subway's but John said this is not subway. During taking a train, I was so quiet. I saw cemetery from inside of train, white and little graves were there. I was curious about that, but I did not ask him. I think then I was still worried about my English. John might thought I am a silent boy.
John's car has a little accident in left side door of it. It could not open by outside, so I got act to open it from inside. John asked me "You can look around the mall of America, but also you can go to house which do you like?" I said I would like to go your house. Because I would like to see the house soon and I was little tired. During taking car, I was surprised anything, how big mall, car speed and width of road. Those were not in Japan. I asked John, have I school today. John said no, but we will have welcome party today.
We went to Como park. John brought cards and Japanese Sho-gi. I knew how to play Sho-gi, but I was not good at it. JOHN BEATEN ME!! After play Sho-gi, we played card game Dai-fu-go. It is Japanese game too. I played it some time, but I forgot rule, so JOHN TAUGHT ME how to play Dai-fu-go. When I got almost how to play, my friend Takashi came there. Takashi's host father was busy, so in first day, his host was Joel and Linda. We played Dai-fu-go. Kailey F joined in the middle of the game. She was a host sister of Ayaka K, and she was our instructor. After the game, we had supper. There were many dishes, but I was not hungry. So I had some fruits and drink.
After supper, we had a lecture of Japanese culture. My group lectured cats cradle. It is called Aya-tori in Japan, but this is not a game witch boys like to play. Actually I DID NOT HOW TO PLAY IT. I have never played in an approve rule, so my group member TAUGHT ME HOW TO PLAY THAT. I was just a student, but I was good student. I mastered how to make a broom. NOW, I AM A MASTER OF BROOM!! The Party was so fun. [465w - 505w]
John's car has a little accident in left side door of it. It could not open by outside, so I got act to open it from inside. John asked me "You can look around the mall of America, but also you can go to house which do you like?" I said I would like to go your house. Because I would like to see the house soon and I was little tired. During taking car, I was surprised anything, how big mall, car speed and width of road. Those were not in Japan. I asked John, have I school today. John said no, but we will have welcome party today.
We went to Como park. John brought cards and Japanese Sho-gi. I knew how to play Sho-gi, but I was not good at it. JOHN BEATEN ME!! After play Sho-gi, we played card game Dai-fu-go. It is Japanese game too. I played it some time, but I forgot rule, so JOHN TAUGHT ME how to play Dai-fu-go. When I got almost how to play, my friend Takashi came there. Takashi's host father was busy, so in first day, his host was Joel and Linda. We played Dai-fu-go. Kailey F joined in the middle of the game. She was a host sister of Ayaka K, and she was our instructor. After the game, we had supper. There were many dishes, but I was not hungry. So I had some fruits and drink.
After supper, we had a lecture of Japanese culture. My group lectured cats cradle. It is called Aya-tori in Japan, but this is not a game witch boys like to play. Actually I DID NOT HOW TO PLAY IT. I have never played in an approve rule, so my group member TAUGHT ME HOW TO PLAY THAT. I was just a student, but I was good student. I mastered how to make a broom. NOW, I AM A MASTER OF BROOM!! The Party was so fun. [465w - 505w]
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