
Essay 1-03 My University life

I am in KGU. I am a sophomore. I am enjoying my university life. I have some friend I do not want to have lot of friends because I like to be alone, and if I have lot of friend I can not care all of them. I am not belong to any clubs. First, I wanted to belong to Jazz club, but I heard people who belong the club, must play any instrumental. I have not experience of playing music. I am a listener, so I did not belong it. I have a part time job. It is salesclerk of Internet cafe. I usually work from 7 PM to 10 or 11 PM. It is hard job. Its paying is little nice for Kumamoto. I like working, but recently I am stacked my job. I cannot do my homework. I think I will quit my job in Autumn. I must apply myself to study.

I attend to my university from my house by bike. It took me 25 to 30 minutes. I am tiring to attend to school by bike. I want to get driver's licence.
I have stack classes to get credit in this year. My some classes are interesting, but others are not. First, I like "cultural anthropology" class the best. That class teacher is Mrs. Hagihara. She teaches us about religion, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddha. I like to study about religion and folklore, we studied about witch hunting in 18 century.
Second is ''international society and Japan". Its teacher is Mr.Osawa. He is a new face teacher in KGU. He teaches about international things, recently we learning about EU and EC. Mr. Osawa is majoring about Chinese, so he is sussed about it. He is very funny teacher I think, and he is adapt to teaching. His giving class is very easy to understand.

I am majoring English. I have English class almost everyday. I like to study English, but sometime it is hard for me. I cannot catch English what teachers talking it is a big problem. I do not have vocabulary, it is pressure for me. I must make an effort!![360 words-total 5014 words]

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