I went to hear lecture presentation at Kumamoto prefectural library in July 12. The lecturer was Natsuki Ikezawa. He is a Japanese novelist. He got Akutagawa prise in 1988. I took listening class test and presentation started at 1:00 PM. I took test to at 1:50 PM, and I went to KPL in hurry. Then, it was about 2:10 PM I got to library. The lecture was scheduled finished at 3:00 PM. I went up to third floor, and went into a site room. There were about 60 men and women in the room. Almost of them were older than me. Probably, they were more than 50 years old. There were very few young people, 2 or 3 with included me. Unfortunately, I forgot my glasses, so I could not see the lecturer. The half of lecture was already finished. The theme of lecture was "What is the world literature". Mr. Natsuki rereaced complete works of world literature, those are chose by Mr. Ikezawa. He talked about that. Finish talking about world literature, he started to read aloud his novel. He read aloud "きみのためのバラ" (Ki-mi no ta-me no bara). It means rose for you. It story is that. A Japanese tourist traveled in Mexico. He always take train or bus to move. One day, he met a Mexican girl in train terminal during waiting next departure. She waited to departure too, and waited her grand mother. They talked few minute got friendly with her. He was mesmerized her brightly smile. Departure time came, they took a train with "see you" in Spanish. The Mexican girl and her grand mother took different truck. The Japanese tourist got out of a train. He looked for the girl, but she did not get out, then She was in a train. He found a rose seller. He bought a single rose. He thought it is enough. He leaped on in a train, and plunge in to the crowd to truck which her take. Lastly, he found her, and send a single rose, with "rose for you" in Spanish. The story is end. I read this book this year. Reading aloud was great.
Finally we got time to get sign of Mr. Natsuki. I got his sign my his novel. So great.
My most favorite his novel is "骨は珊瑚、眼は真珠" (Ho-ne ha san-go me ha shin-ju). It means Bones are coral, eyes are pearl. This is a short story. It is in a book named same name short stories book. This story is very impressive for me. I read this when I was high school student. I think If I read it I was in junior high, I could not understand it. Its story is very good. Really good, very silent story. There are woman and man. The woman is a wife of the man. The man is dead man. He is in the story, but he is not in the story. No one can see him. He only sees his wife from somewhere, from start to the end. In life, he told his wife to dispare his burned bones in the sea. He did not want to exist a thing. He did not want to stay in other than memorize, but her wife was confuse. It was hard to decide it. In this story, there is allusion of Tempest and Macbeth by Shake spear. Those are very effective.
In any English class, there are often same questions, "What or who is your most favorite books, or musician?" When I am asked it, I always confuse to answer. I like reading books and listening music. Those are my main hobby, so I have read many books, and I have listened to many tunes. I can not decide one. Can you decide it one?? I think it is very difficult question...![641 words-total 7094]
Finally we got time to get sign of Mr. Natsuki. I got his sign my his novel. So great.
My most favorite his novel is "骨は珊瑚、眼は真珠" (Ho-ne ha san-go me ha shin-ju). It means Bones are coral, eyes are pearl. This is a short story. It is in a book named same name short stories book. This story is very impressive for me. I read this when I was high school student. I think If I read it I was in junior high, I could not understand it. Its story is very good. Really good, very silent story. There are woman and man. The woman is a wife of the man. The man is dead man. He is in the story, but he is not in the story. No one can see him. He only sees his wife from somewhere, from start to the end. In life, he told his wife to dispare his burned bones in the sea. He did not want to exist a thing. He did not want to stay in other than memorize, but her wife was confuse. It was hard to decide it. In this story, there is allusion of Tempest and Macbeth by Shake spear. Those are very effective.
In any English class, there are often same questions, "What or who is your most favorite books, or musician?" When I am asked it, I always confuse to answer. I like reading books and listening music. Those are my main hobby, so I have read many books, and I have listened to many tunes. I can not decide one. Can you decide it one?? I think it is very difficult question...![641 words-total 7094]