I will introduce this site "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species" http://www.iucnredlist.org/. This is one of the site of IUCN. IUCN is a organization which do campaign activity for protect threatened species. IUCN is stands for International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. IUCN is established in 1945.
IUCN is consisted by 111 government agencies, 874 nongovernmental agencies and 35 agencies. Japan is also member of IUCN. IUCN has 6 commissions of exparts. The biggest one is SSC (Species Survival Commission), WCPA (World Commission on Protected Areas), CEM (Commission on Ecosystem Management), CEC (Commission on Education and Communication), CEESP (Commission on Environmental, Economic & Social Policy) and CEL (Commission on Environmental Law). The front office of IUCN is in Switzerland. They do action for keeping threaten animals, plants and nature by direct, indirect or making lows.
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
You can see vivid red and bloody back ground and some pictures of animals on the top page of this site at the first. You can see some links on this site. You can search animals in "Search" section. If you link to "Help Save Species", you can donate online. You can credit card for donate. You can see introduction of IUCN and its some sections at "introduction" section, and you can see many partners of red list and many organizations cooperating with IUCN; at "Partners and Credit" section. You can see lists of Red data books at "Categories and Criteria". You can see a lot of pictures of threatened animals, plants and seaweed were listed in IUCN Red list in 2006 and 2008. We would see the pictures, those animals which are listed, they have rare or ugly figure, beautiful or vivid color, rare pattern and good quality horn or antler. The because of their extinction are so many. The most reason of aquatic life's extinction is comes from over fishing or water pollution.
I know Red data book and I think this is very good site, but this is not common I think. In this time the problem of environment is very big issue and we much interested in the problem. The disappearing animals and plants is just warning. I think this is turning point. We should recognize much more that we are choking necks of ourselves. [386w - 1540w]
IUCN is consisted by 111 government agencies, 874 nongovernmental agencies and 35 agencies. Japan is also member of IUCN. IUCN has 6 commissions of exparts. The biggest one is SSC (Species Survival Commission), WCPA (World Commission on Protected Areas), CEM (Commission on Ecosystem Management), CEC (Commission on Education and Communication), CEESP (Commission on Environmental, Economic & Social Policy) and CEL (Commission on Environmental Law). The front office of IUCN is in Switzerland. They do action for keeping threaten animals, plants and nature by direct, indirect or making lows.
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
You can see vivid red and bloody back ground and some pictures of animals on the top page of this site at the first. You can see some links on this site. You can search animals in "Search" section. If you link to "Help Save Species", you can donate online. You can credit card for donate. You can see introduction of IUCN and its some sections at "introduction" section, and you can see many partners of red list and many organizations cooperating with IUCN; at "Partners and Credit" section. You can see lists of Red data books at "Categories and Criteria". You can see a lot of pictures of threatened animals, plants and seaweed were listed in IUCN Red list in 2006 and 2008. We would see the pictures, those animals which are listed, they have rare or ugly figure, beautiful or vivid color, rare pattern and good quality horn or antler. The because of their extinction are so many. The most reason of aquatic life's extinction is comes from over fishing or water pollution.
I know Red data book and I think this is very good site, but this is not common I think. In this time the problem of environment is very big issue and we much interested in the problem. The disappearing animals and plants is just warning. I think this is turning point. We should recognize much more that we are choking necks of ourselves. [386w - 1540w]
9 件のコメント:
Hi Quad...! This post looks more like website review notes than an actual website review. Please remember to use accurate, attractive, and informative titles on every post.
Oh! sorry, I know that. this is note for website review. I will edit this post tonight.
No worries!
Making notes in a post preparing for an essay is fine, and will count as a separate post (quickpost), if you create a new one for your essay.
You can distinguish one from the other not only with titles, but also with labels, for example:
essay prep., and
It is nice website!! I like nature.I like animals! Do you intreste biology??
Your blog so cute!!
This website is great. I think you ininterest is very good.
Which picture do you like?
Your blog is good because yjere is URL. I can study in your post. Are you interested in nature?
Hello. I'm Ryohei.
This blog is very good. But It is little hard to see.
Why did you think writing "IUCN"?
Hi, Yuuki.
Your post is very good, and I think that the theme you choose is important for us and the earth. Your choice is nice.
We should save the animals designated as an endangered species and make the earth cleaner than now.
Thank you everyone for your each comments and advices. I will take your advices my next post!!
>DNA girls ai
Thank you fo your comment. Yes. I like biology. I like animals and any kind of species.
Thank you so much. I will your website later. I like the picture of Forest Owlet http://www.iucnredlist.org/info/gallery2002 He is so fancy isnt it?
Thank you. Yes. I like nature. Disappearing of species is so sad, and I think it is big issue. Any way, You can put URL on your post. It is easy, try it! :)
Thank you Ryohei. I wrote about IUCN because I like animal, and I am interested in thereatend species. Thank you for your advice! I will make effort to write more plainly post:)
Thank you. Yes. I absolutely agree with you, however this issue is so difficult.
I will do for the earth what I can do.