
My Winter Vacation

Wow!! I am living now unfortunately... but I am still having sick. Maybe I should go to hospital. Recently I am a sickness.

I would like to tell about my winter vacation.
Winter vacation began. I have thought I should go to hospital in the vacation. The first, I went to dentist. My teeth little hurt. Dentists dug my teeth. That was so hurt. I have never felt that ache, so I was very surprised.

To tell the truth, I do not like new year's day so much, because we have too much time to do anything, but we do not move so. We always stay inside, eat Osechi dishes, watch TV programs (most of the TV programs in new years day are not interesting, so I often play video games in my room.) and sleep. Is that very lazy isn't it? I am a lazy, but I feel that I am wasting my time in new year's day. I hate that feelings.

My father and my younger sister went to grand parents house. My younger sister is very noisy, but she went to grand parent's house, so I could spend quite silent new year's day.
In last year, I had my work so I could not have much rest. I had to write 3 reports, so I did not go there, so in my house, there were three, me, mother and older sister. My older sister came back from Osaka. She is also noisy, but better than young one.

My older sister plays piano when she back to my home. There are one piano and one electronic organ in my house. I used to learn playing piano when I was child, but I gave up when I was elementaly school student. I think I did not interested in music like me at this time. My older and younger sister learnt it junior high I think. After she played, I tried to play it, but ofcourse I could not play well, but I remembered to read music score. I would like to learn playing piano very much now.

I wrote 2 reports in winter vacation. The first was about a movie "Garp" in American literature class. This movie was wrote by John Irving. The star is Robin Williams. This movie was very shocking to me, but in writing the report, I was confused, I took about three days to finish it. The second report was P.E. class report. To tell the truth, I hate this class this class is waste of time. If it was not required class, I never attend it. I sware. Wrting report was not so fun.

I really do not remember, but last winter vacation was much longer than this year. [462-526w]

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